Open space of TEMO SVIRELY by Tomasz Pietrzykowski

Open space of TEMO SVIRELY Nearly every abstract expressionist has attempted in one way or another to capture space. The reason is obvious: What is more abstract and more difficult to express? What escapes any description or even metaphor? How to communicate in a manner that can act as a pathway to the observer so…

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Collage. Acrylic, pastel, and textile on paper depicting ten theater characters.

“Street theatre” of Temo Svirely by Igor Dychenko

The exceptional, subtle and refined in the works of TEMO is the presence of the poetry, flowing in the world, in that street theatre of life, a part of which we all are. There is nothing dearer than street theatre. It is namely there that the heroes of Shakespeare, the heroes of Kiev, and the…

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