The Dukat Gallery in Kyiv hosted the exhibition “Eight Journeys of Van Gogh”, dedicated to the memory of Georgian artist Temo Svirely.
Temo Svirely is a Georgian painter who worked in Kyiv for a long time. The exhibition “Eight Journeys of Van Gogh” will present works by eight Ukrainian artists: Peter Bevza, Matthew Weisberg, Sergei Guy, Badri Gubianuri, Alexander Zhyvotkov, Nikolai Zhuravlya, Alexei Litvinenko and Valery Shkarupa. All artists based their work on the painting Temo Svirely “Van Gogh’s Journey to The Hague”.
The unifying element of the works presented at the exhibition was the conditional figure of a man in the paintings of Temo Svirely, to which each of the authors offered a “living space” of his painting, his images, his worlds in each artist’s characteristic style.
The character of the picture Temo travels from work, transforming his image and creating a single metaphysical field in front of the viewer. The theme of the journey contains many layers of meaning, allusions and analogies. Every artist embodies it in thoughts, works and letters.