I was born April 21, 1964 in Georgia and am now 50 years old. I remember soft fluffy light snow and deep velvet warm nights with fireflies in a village in western Georgia; the soft soil, so rich in moisture, of early spring; the first snowdrops and violets, which my mother always took me to…
Read MoreOpen space of TEMO SVIRELY by Tomasz Pietrzykowski
Open space of TEMO SVIRELY Nearly every abstract expressionist has attempted in one way or another to capture space. The reason is obvious: What is more abstract and more difficult to express? What escapes any description or even metaphor? How to communicate in a manner that can act as a pathway to the observer so…
Read More“Street theatre” of Temo Svirely by Igor Dychenko
The exceptional, subtle and refined in the works of TEMO is the presence of the poetry, flowing in the world, in that street theatre of life, a part of which we all are. There is nothing dearer than street theatre. It is namely there that the heroes of Shakespeare, the heroes of Kiev, and the…
Read MoreTemo Svirely. On the other side of the Styx. Kyiv, Ukraine, 2016.
25 березня 2016 року у галереї «Каліта арт клуб» відкрилася виставка київського художника Темо Свірелі «По той бік Стіксу». Темо народився в Цхінвалі, жив і працював у Києві, пішов раптово у жовтні 2014-го. Остання його київська виставка проходила взимку 2013-го: стояв Майдан, перша кров уже пролилася, але всі – і смерть, і перемога, і війна…
Read MoreEight Voyages of Van Gogh. Ducat gallery. Kyiv, Ukraine, 1917.
The Dukat Gallery in Kyiv hosted the exhibition “Eight Journeys of Van Gogh”, dedicated to the memory of Georgian artist Temo Svirely. Temo Svirely is a Georgian painter who worked in Kyiv for a long time. The exhibition “Eight Journeys of Van Gogh” will present works by eight Ukrainian artists: Peter Bevza, Matthew Weisberg, Sergei…
Read MoreThe Dot.
“The dot is also the source of basic goodness, its fuse or starting point. Out of that primordial experience, we begin to realize basic goodness. To begin with, whenever there is a dot, it is unconditional. You can’t say whether it is bad or good, but it is so”. “That basic human quality of…
Read MoreYellow symphony. House Master Class. Kyiv, Ukraine, 2017.
(Українська) У Будинку “Майстер-клас” пройшла виставка робіт відомого українського художника грузинського походження Темо Свірелі “Жовта симфонія”. Темо Свірелі – відомий художник, який більшу частину свого життя прожив у Києві і був учасником багатьох виставок в Україні та за її межами. Більшість картин на виставці “Жовта симфонія” експонуватиметься вперше.
Відзначимо, що роботи Темо Свірелі можна, зокрема, побачити у фільмі “Рівень чорного” Валентина Васяновича, головний герой якого, Константи Мохнач, був близько знайомий з художником.
Куратор проекту – Тетяна Швед-Безкоровайна (S.T. ART Foundation).
The garden is 108 trees. In memory of the Georgian and Ukrainian artist Temo Svireli (1964-2014). Ukrainian Fashion Week-2017. Mystetskyi Arsenal. Kyiv, Ukraine, October 12, 2016.
This project was inspired by the cycle of abstract painting Temo Svirely, in which the artist, in his own words, tried to convey the energy of the flowering of the garden, the beginning of the spring, his anguish over the gardens of Georgia.
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